Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama gets two Green thumbs up, so far...

Although I will continue to be critical of Obama (as I am of anyone who makes it that high in politics), I'll also give him the benefit of the doubt. 1 day in and he's delivering on some of that change I heard so much about. There's reason to believe that we may very well achieve Mountain Justice with help from his administration, and soon. Alas, there is good reason to be optimistic!

On his first full day in the oval office, Obama put the breaks on the Bush's 11th hour, corporate-inspired "Loot and Run" environmental rollbacks. Included in the list of last-minute fraternal favors, was yet another kick-back for King Coal. Obama has undone this deal, which made it easier for coal companies to engage in Mountaintop Removal mining. (Other regulations however, could not be undone so easily, including a paralyzing provision on the Endangered Species Act. Read the full release, here).

Along with the good news, comes word on Obama's newly-appointed Chief of the EPA, who has vowed to "immediately assess hundreds of coal ash disposal sites at power plants across the country in the wake of two spills in Alabama and Tennessee"

Lisa Jackson said the agency also will reconsider ways to regulate the ash and how it is stored, something the EPA recommended in 2000 but did not act upon.

Jackson said the agency's decisions will be based on science and the law and not politics.

Obama and crew know that they can't ignore the coal ash disasters of late. And it sound's like they're going to deal with things in a much different way than we've seen in the past.

I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out.
Put it's not a passive process.
Obama needs us to keep his feet in the fire
Let us make it clear right now.
Regulation is only be a first step.
Coal ash ponds must be banned.

and as always...

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