But how can we choose? Is there even a choice? Can anyone ever truly escape this mess? I think not, because there is no boundary to the Empire. It is all encompassing. And the future of the Empire is critically tied to the future of Life as we know It.
What follows are some of the conclusions understandings I have reached:
We can't just establish another program to save the system, so it won't be as simple electing the right official, or diverting more funds to piecemeal conservation and humanitarian efforts (as important and noble as that is). This culture has built massive momentum, like a rock rolling quickly downhill, or a stream that has turned into a roaring river. Through Quinn, the teacher B showed us that a program is like a stick in a river. The water quickly moves around it. Likewise, you can not resist a rolling boulder.
So how do we influence a moving mass, so as to not end up where its heading?
To continue with the metaphor: While we can not directly resist the flowing water, or the falling boulder, but we can direct its path. We can shape the land down which it flows.
How can we shape the path WE are taking?
To clarify, I am certainly not saying that we can not resist the systems of oppression and domination that have been exploiting people and planet for centuries. This is absolutely critical. The machine must be held back in areas, so that something else can grow. The maladies of the self-destructive system must be constantly revealed and exploited. But the key here, is that something new must grow to take its place, and to eventually overgrow it and transform the system as a whole. What grows, is up to us. :)
The colorful metaphor here, of course, is the caterpillar being transformed from the inside. A foreign and novel creature originates from the dissolving tissues of body which came before it. The transformation starts with a few cells working together, and grows out, from within.
We can be those "imaginal cells", and work together, and grow. We will meet resistance from the old, but we are creating something new, with a new path, a new idea, a new way of relating to each other and the planet. Or perhaps a very very OLD way, which we somehow fo

It will have to be this radical.
Otherwise, the system will end up where its heading.
This is how I consider myself an optimist. I know this simple, undeniable fact. If human culture is still around 100 years from now, it will be so radically different that what we know today. This has to be true, because this culture of competition and domination is killing itself. If we continue playing out this story, as these characters, we will reach the end of the story, very soon. We will figure this one out. Or we will no longer exist. Either way, things will work out. :)
So, reality check. We currently find ourselves in a precarious position. Our actions up to this point have left us with an interesting convergence of resource depletion, conflict and climate change. Before we even consider where we're going, we must understand how we got here. Fortunately this has been investigated and laid out several times, by many great minds of our time.
As far as recent documentaries go, I would suggest "What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire." You can watch the trailer here. This is quite an amazing mind-fxck of a movie, and I would not suggest watching it in any sort of altered state. As for good books on how we got here, in "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" Thom Hartman provides a critical resource for understanding of how We have systematically overtaxed and sullied our nest. (I would suggest this book to anyone concerned with the environmental crisis.)
So where do we go from here? What will our glowing centers of enlightened resistance look like? How do I know?! All I know is we are dealing a changing world, and inheriting a boat-load of baggage. Surely, we need to be ready to adapt and respond to the ramifications of our prior short-sightedness.
On his website, FutureScenarios.org, one of the OG's of Permaculture, David Holgrem uses a scenario planning model to understand the potential interaction between Climate Change and Peak Oil. "In the process," He says,
I introduce permaculture as a design system specifically evolved over the last 30 years to creatively respond to futures that involve progressively less and less available energy.That's what we're working with. Things as simple as "where do we get our food" and "where does are waste go" are becoming not so disconnected from daily life. Whatever we do, we better wake up to the natural cycle of resources and the reality of the world we've created.
Let's see what we can do...
I believe this dilemma is a result of various forms of attachment to this life. One extreme is the people who are attached to "the empire" and can't or don't want to see out. And the other extreme, being the people who fight so hard against empire, trying to change others and alienating others whom otherwise could be allies. There are gray areas all over the place. But point being, the initial issue with why we are in the circumstances we are in is due to duality. To feeling separate from the whole. Not a whole as a society, but the greater whole. Realizing our connection to our energy source which holds no judgments, oppressions, discrimination, etc.
In choices?...we do have freedom of choice, but live in a world of freedom from choice. Regardless of how it's serenaded to us...we have no choice in this system fore any choice under this system is made by this system. I believe our freedom of choice lies truly within us.
promise me,
promise me this day,
promise me now,
while the sun is overhead
exactly at the zenith,
promise me:
even as they
strike you down
with a mountain of hatred and violence;
even as they step on you and crush you
like a worm,
even as they dismember and disembowel you,
remember, brother,
man is not our enemy.
the only thing worthy of you is compassion-
invincible, limitless, unconditional.
hatred will never let you face
the beast in man.
one day, when you face this beast alone,
with your courage intact, your eyes kind,
(even as no one sees them),
out of your smile
will bloom a flower.
and those who love you
will behold you
across ten thousand worlds of birth and dying.
alone again,
i will go on with bent head,
knowing that love has become eternal.
on the long, rough road,
the sun and the moon
will continue to shine.
-thich nhat hanh
We are at a "place" where we have choices available to us guided by natural laws. We can take and make these choices real. Each choice like a snow ball rolling down a hill getting bigger (more energy), and as you can imagine the possibilities are endless with each new snowflake being added. Each snowflake as important as the next....fore they work together.
I believe it is time to plant new seeds based on timeless principles of living in alignment for our species, our earth, our cosmos. It is time to realize this empire has neglected our human species, our earth (everything living on it, that is no less important), and our cosmos. We have so neglected "the space between world". I believe this knowledge of our light, and our personal experience with this light was hindered by empire. Hindered with religion, stigmas put on shamans of magic and witchcraft, alternative/new age blah blah, savageness and barbarism of indigenous and native peoples, etc. All to blind us from what life really is about.
We are the light, whether we subscribe to the system or not. Therefore, let us find common ground. Reach out and learn from each other. Our planet has been malnourished by us. I believe it craves every one of us contributing to it's energy, it's light. We've taken and taken. If we could do anything at this point, it would be, for anyone at any point to decide to start to reciprocate the earths nurturing. Focus our energy on that love, and not on what some do to drain that love. In the end, the earth is part of the cosmos. Our connection to the earth is an important step in our connection to the cosmos.
I want to say, as well, that I am not suggesting letting bad social or environmental situations occur without a fight. It is our right to fight for what is right. The issue is, that whilst were on this level, or plane, fighting with our minds and bodies, the earth waits for our loving attention, just as a child or partner.
It essentially matters the seeds that I plant (figuratively and non-figuratively) and the sacred fires I tend to. In this I will find peace, nourish the earth and radiate life. I believe in earth community! I will make it happen within my bubble. This bubble connecting to other bubbles of light and hope. Optimistic?...guess I am too.
thank you so much for your thoughtful expansion of these insights
Can't wait to see I'm an optimist part 2...
Seriously though, I feel what's really needed now is a check on human nature. Economics is built on the principles of selfishness and productivity, which have accomplished amazing things for technology/material standard of living. I've watched from the inside as the world economy crumbles in so many ways: inequality, poverty, perpetual conflict. The thing is that there's no built-in controls- it's going to take culture and leadership to stop it. Neither of these very well accomodated by economic theories that have defined policy the last 50 years.
Let's check ourselves:
-Freedom of choice will save us.
Providing better labeling and rising consumer standards.
-Generating new ideas that can appeal to the public.
--Visionary policy enacted by the Obama government.
--Incentives in the right place,
---and CEOs that will follow them.
*The time's right to rethink our institutions, and re-imagine* our relationship with the planet. We're a resilient species, and pretty innovative if we put our minds to it. There's no reason to predict our downfall yet. *Leadership and culture* will bring us there.
Why do we have to choose at all? Why not do all three at once? Break the parts that don't work, fix the parts you think can work, and look for & implement a new way of being all at the same time. The tension of opposing ideals (man as separate from animal vs. man as another animal, centralized vs. decentralized production etc.) is a big part of what got us into this mess. Maybe it can get us out, maybe those opposing forces are what we need to split the skin on the caterpillar's back before it can become a butterfly. Or, to use the rolling boulder metaphor, if you chip away at one side of it and tack things onto the other while it's rolling, the boulder will turn. So let's break what we can, and fix what we can, and make something new out of the rubble.
On a more critical/technical note, and I'm guilty of this too, you tend to use big general terms a bit too much. Most people reading this know what you mean by 'the Empire' and 'the machine', but when you overuse the terms and refer too much to vague properties of general concepts without throwing in any details, it takes away from the strength of your message. At least for me, whenever someone mentions generalities without at least detailing how they relate, I tend to listen to them less.
Solid writeup though, it's a question that I think we all face with relative frequency these days, and it always helps to have another take on it.
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