Friday, January 30, 2009

Dirty Coal Reaching a Tipping Point?

We may be reaching critical mass, in more regard than one. As explained, in such interesting detail, by Malcolm Gladwell in "The Tipping Point", social epidemics, such as ideas, fashions, or even virus's tend to spread exponentially through a population after reaching a certain point and touching a few key channels. It seems like the message of mountaintop removal, and the True Cost of Coal, is finally reaching that point at which it will soon become a commonly held fact. Let us work to further this progress, and spread this contagion!

Since I first learned about mountaintop removal, I had a gut feeling that "If only more people knew about it, it wouldn't be happening." It seems to be so vile a transgression against the Earth, that we simply can't let it continue once enough of us know it's happening. An idealistic perspective, I know. It will, at the very least, lay the context for seemingly radical action.

Well, the truth is finally making it's way into mainstream consciousness, in increasing frequency.

The recent TVA coal ash disaster, as horrible as it was, has served to punctuate the growing distrust of the pure marketing tactic known as the Clean Coal Lie. Although the toxic spill, 50 times larger than the Exxon Valdez has passed by some major media outlets, it did make several hits. Time magazine did an article on it (Jan 10, 09), titled "Exposing the Myth of Clean Coal Power"

And then today, I learn about a 12-page article entitled "Mining the Mountains" in Smithsonian Magazine, which brings our attention to the plights of a small West Virginia town.

To anyone paying attention to the stream of media and collective popularity of coal and coal issues, it is clear that we are approaching a tipping point. There is reason to be optimistic, for sure, and ample motivation to continue with this work, with a renewed sense of purpose and validation. We are going to change this thing around, each and everyone one of us.

As a side note, the last article will also bring you to this website, where you can see exactly where your energy comes from and what kind of emissions it causes. It also provides resources on cleaner and greener energy usage.

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