Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Hopi Ten

Chumash elder Choqosh Auh-ho-oh was some years ago summoned by a prestigious group of Hopi elders. They told her they have a message for her to share.

They said, "

You've been telling people the 11th hour is approaching. Tell them it is here, and there are things to be considered."

They gave her a 10-point Hopi Checklist to consider:

1. Where do you live (not just geographically)?

2. What is it that you do?

3. How are your relationships?

4. Are you in right relation with the Earth?

5. Where is your water?

6. Know your garden (and nature around you).

7. Speak your truth; it is time now.

8. Be good to each other.

9. Don't look outside yourself for the leader.

10.This could be a good time.

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