I then spent the next several hours sitting on a bus, in handcuffs.
I was arrested as a willing participant in Tar Sands Action, the largest act of civil disobedience in the U.S. since 1977, and the most sustained since the epic campaigns of the civil rights movement. During this two week sit-in, myself and 1251 other conscious individuals allowed ourselves to be arrested in order to raise awareness of the choice that our President has to make on the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline. The decision is his alone. He can choose to “stand up to Big Oil,” as he had promised he would do and deny a permit for the oil company TransCanada to build a massive oil sands pipeline across our border. Or he can fold under the demands of first class corporate citizens and commit us all to liquidating the most environmentally destructive source of oil on the planet, thereby taking our addiction to a new low.
When the Park Police finally started binding us with plastic ziptiesand carting us off a few at a time, reality started to hit us. We were about to be bound and detained as a consequence of standing up (sitting down) for what we believe in. For many, this was about to be their first arrest. We began to chant and sing, to each other, to the President, to the Police. For some of us, the singing soothed our anxieties, and raised the vibrations during the long wait while “our friends took us away” (as one song lyric reminded us). (For those wondering, the charge we were arrested under was "Failure to disobey a lawful order" which resulted in a $100 fine.)
We were doing this for them and for everyone who enjoys clean air and a livable climate. The tar sands which are meant to flow down this pipeline represent an incredible threat to ancient ecosystems, native peoples, America’s drinking water and the Earth’s climate.
(from a Cornell University report)
Under the forest in northern Alberta, Canada lie the world’s largest deposits of so-called “tar sands,” sand mixed with thick, tar-like oil. To produce one barrel of heavy crude oil from tar sands requires strip mining the forest, extracting four tons of earth, contaminating two to four barrels of fresh water, burning large amounts of natural gas, and creating vast holding ponds of toxic sludge. Production of this oil is increasing and a growing amount of it is already being shipped to the US.
The Keystone XL will be a 36-inch crude oil pipeline stretching nearly 2,000 miles from Alberta, Canada to terminals in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico. Tar sands oil heats to more than 150 degrees as it is pumped through at high pressure. It is designed to carry more than 800,000 barrels of crude oil extracted from tar sands to refineries in the US.
Oil industry corporations, The American Petroleum Institute, many politicians, and a few unions are urging the State Department to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, and the Obama Administration has indicated it will make a decision before the end of the year.
Here are the major reasons I oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline:
An area of Canada’s ancient Boreal Forest the size of Florida is being deforested, mined, boiled and squeezed (4 tons of earth for 1 barrel of oil) to produce an energy and carbon-intensive, low quality oil product, poisoning indigenous lands and bodies in the process.
The massive 1700 mile pipeline would cross over our border and over some of the most sensitive and beautiful agricultural lands, wetlands and aquifers, to carry 800,000 barrels per day of the worlds dirtiest oil to US refineries for international export.
The precursor to this pipeline had 12 spills in its first year, and whatever doesn't spill onto the ground will spill into the atmosphere when it is burned. 2011 was already the hottest year on record, and opening up this giant reservoir of carbon could push us over any climate tipping points which still remain. As climate scientist James Hansen puts it, opening up the tar sands to development would mean “game over” in the battle to stop human-driven climate change.
They say some people have to hit rock bottom before they can quit their addiction.
I went to Washington to tell Obama that he doesn’t have to let this addiction go that far. Right now, the president has complete legal power to say NO to this pipeline. Congress is not in the way. There are, however, very real structures in place that are heavily influencing his decision.
Here’s a great short video, produced by Josh Fox (“Gaslands”), about the impacts of the Tar Sands and the reason for this action at the White House.
As I was being handled by one of the police officers, he asked me
“Why are people supporting this pipeline?”
"They took our Jobs!" (the Jobs Argument)
Between figures spouted by TransCanada and its echo chamber allies, we are to believe that the pipeline will create 13,000 to 553,000 jobs. According to the State Department, 5,000 to 6,000 jobs will be created over a 3-year construction period (see the recent Cornell University debunking). It would seem difficult to inflate 6,000 to half a million even if you incorporated all the health workers and border patrol guards we will need on a hotter and dirtier planet thanks to this pipeline. But if we are going to ponder theoretical jobs, we should visualize the clean energy jobs that could be created if our political system wasn’t currently catering to short-sighted fossil fuel interests. And as author/activist Naomi Klein pointed out at the "Stop the Tar Sands" rally the day I was arrested, “The same economic logic that puts greed above all and liberates corporations to do as they please, that same economic model that is threatening to crash the global climate system is exactly what crashed the global economic system, which is why we don’t have enough jobs.”
We can create jobs that honor people and the planet. We can have a clean renewable energy economy. What we need is a leadership that is not committed to keeping us addicted to fossil fuels.
The National Security Argument
We most certainly have to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but the Keystone XL pipeline is not being set up to supply America with “friendly oil”. It’s being built in order to set up an international market for the dirty tar sands. Refiners in Port Arthur, Texas are already getting ready to make big moves tax-free, as Port Arthur is a Foreign Trade Zone. One blogger has cleverly noted that it might make more sense (in the interest of national security) to leave the black stuff in the ground for now, in case we get cut off from other supplies. Now there’s some addict wisdom.
"If we don’t do it, someone else will..."
Without a doubt, if our addiction to oil continues and our reverence for greed goes unshaken, we will find a way to exploit this oil. Oil companies have already been trying to pipe it to the coast through Canada, but have been met with fierce indigenous resistance. If we can act in solidarity to keep the tar sands in the ground just a few more years, perhaps it will be long enough for us all to wake up and shake off these suicidal delusions, and avoid a catastrophic mistake.

I hope that you are able to join (or start) one of the thousands of global events on Sept. 24 for Moving Planet, “a day to put demands for climate action into motion - by marching, biking, skating- showing the world there is a way to move beyond fossil fuels.” There is something quite powerful about the globally synchronized positive intentional actions organized by 350.org.
Please visit the Tar Sands Action website and join the email list to stay up to date. You can also like the “Tar Sands Action” page on facebook and connect with others who support the goals of this action and hear about related solidarity actions.
If you want to do something right now, wherever you are, you can organize a solidarity action. There are plenty of creative ways to send a message.
Finally, please share this information. Talk about it. Ask your teachers, preachers and radio hosts about it. Post it, tweet it, like it, share it.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for being alive right now. We have a lot of work to do.
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