Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New "Clean Coal" add features Obama (robot)

I'd prefer to give Obama the benefit of the doubt until he's in office. But in the end he's either playing the game, or the games playing him. After all, no one makes it to the position of president-elect without having full support of the corporatocracy, including King Coal. I just hope he's paying lip service to the king until he get's close enough to his neck.

Obama has had the tendency to get us wrapped up in his well-written and emotional speeches, until he'd reach his obligatory and blood-curdling support of "clean coal and safe nuclear." (I almost choked while eating during his acceptance speech in Denver). Well, the coal industry front group, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) has chosen a few of Obama's (or Robobama's) gems and put out a new advertisement, perhaps in response to the Reality Campaign ad's which have been getting impressive air time.

You can see the new ad at the ACCCE website, americaspower.org.

With all the good news about Obama's appointees, I guess we still have reason to be optimistic. But it's up to us to put the pressure on him, and to let him know that there is no such thing as clean coal. Maybe he just needs a little gentle support and guidance. But we should, by no means, limit ourselves.

It is of utmost importance that we successfully debunk the myth of clean coal. And, thanks to the power of media, we'll have to do it over and over again. Remember, repetition is key. Repetition is key.

Thankfully, the Reality Campain (thank you Mr. Gore) is releasing a new commercial, called "smudge." Check it out.

If letter-writing and phone calls aren't enough for you, it's time to get involved with serious grassroots organizing against King Coal. Next March, Mountain Justice Spring Break will give you the chance to learn from and stand with those most directly impacted by the dirty coal industry. What better way to spend your spring break? Keep an eye out for more information in the near future, or better yet, email MJSB to find out how to help!

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