Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Universe Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings

The title of this post are the words of author Rob Brezny (I highly recommend his book, Pronoia), and these words embody my gratitude to everyone who has helped me in this mission so far with their energy, excitement, words of encouragement and monetary contributions. I really do feel supported by the Universe, and by each of you, as a part of the Universe!

I leave in 8 short days, and I still have lots to prepare before I join with the Amazon Mycorenewal Project in Ecuador (see previous posts). I just wanted to take a minute to post a short message expressing my immense appreciation for all my friends and allies who have offered their support. I have so much LOVE and GRATITUDE for all of you!

I plan on posting my experiences and pictures as I am able to while I am down there, so please check back here for updates.

If you are interested in joining my network of financial supporters, I could still use the help! As a volunteer on this service learning mission, I am paying for all my costs of getting down there and daily expenses, and putting funds towards the general program expenses.

When you go and click the donate button, please indicate the designation "AMP, Martin Driggs" on the donation form so that it makes it to my fund.

A special thanks goes out to everyone who made it out to the Amazon Mushroom Alliance Benefit hosted by Music Ecology and Evolver Boston. It was a such a fun night connecting with all of you. I was happy to see others excited as I am about this project, and I hope to connect on future projects in the local area!

Thanks again,


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