I think it's time to revisit blogging as a way to share my thoughts and observations... The times as are only getting more interesting!
Here's the view from the top of my ("new") home watershed, the Pukcommeagon.
Because we're gonna have to do more than just change our fuel source...
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Settler in Support of #IdleNoMore |
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This beautiful (and mobile!) drum kept the heartbeat of the march. |
Don't freak out, Beloved. Everything is going to be alright. Truth is being revealed to your Soul- and it can be a painful process. Just remember that the Good God of Love is seeking to awaken within you the remembrance of your divine origins, to awaken your angelic spark and return you to the Land of Pure Light.
For now, be harmless, be kind, seek God and find the others- all will be well. Breathe deep, relax your mind and body, practice Yoga and vegetarianism, don't worry or fear anything, drink pure water, read holy books, listen to sacred music, hang out with other seekers, find the wisdom teachers and listen to them, stay in the Light, vibrate in Love and laugh often.
We are about to witness the birth of a New Earth!
Beautiful!!! I totally agree, we need to do all that! But let us also put our compassion into action. Many of our brothers and sisters to not have the privilege of relaxing, doing yoga and reading sacred texts all day. We must actively dismantle all systems of oppression and exploitation and stand in solidarity with all Life! There is much work to do! Support the #IdleNoMore movement and indigenous struggles worldwide, oppose the Tar Sands Pipelines, Mountaintop Removal and Hydrofracking, protect a free and democratic internet, challenge corporate power, get the GMOs out of our food supply, decolonize our minds, challenge colonialism and patriarchy wherever we see it, build strong communities and alternative economies, reduce the environmental impact of our daily lives and our communities, support ecological innovations, grow our own food, practice permaculture, learn to live in right relation with Mother Earth, the list goes on..... Everything you describe will help us do these things, but let us not fool ourselves into thinking that all we have to do is live in love and light and wait for the New Earth to emerge. We are the ones we've been waiting for... so let's stop waiting and do something. :) In Lak'ech and Namaste.
"Garbed in a red ceremonial robe and holding the staff of power, Evo Morales stood in a portal cut from a single block of stone ten feet high, eleven feet wide, estimated to weigh ten tons."
At Tihuanaco , Bolivia, Evo Morales undergoes Mayan ritual ceremony that has not taken place in over 500 years. He is handed the staff of power over the Earth and power over the spirit.
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Earth First: No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth |